Thanks, Karriema, for being our first Resident to Volunteer for "Do You Know?"
Job Title: Project Management Analyst

Lived here how long? Lived at Bolton's Landing for 10 months andhave lived in Charleston for over 2 1/2 years
Where are you from Originally? Calhoun Falls, SC
First car: Saturn L200
What type of music do you like? Anything I can dance to! I love all music! Favorite Sport to Watch: College Football
Favorite Sport to Play: I'm not really a "playing sports" kinda girl
Favorite Place to Eat Out: Taco Boy (downtown)
Favorite Thing to Make at Home: Steak and mixed veggies (it's the easiest meal ever)
Best Vacation You've Ever Been On: Spring Break 2008 in Miami, FL
Person You Admire the Most: My cousin, Tivoli Thomas (She's accomplished great things, made great life decisions, and serves as a great role model to me)
Where is the Farthest You Have Been from Home? Portland, Oregon
Dream Car: Jaguar XF
Scared of spiders or snakes? I'm terrified of spiders AND snakes.
Favorite Season & Why? Fall (I love the weather during the fall season, and I love catching end-of-summer sales!!!)
Favorite Quotes or Sayings "Failure to plan is a plan for failure." "Never judge a book by its cover."
Prefer Sweet or Salty Snacks? Sweet Snacks
If you were to start a business, what would it be? I would be a natural hair consultant. I want to teach people how to properly care for their hair, especially the natural curlies. I love, love, love my hair, and I think everyone should have that same confidence and love for theirs. When you look good, you feel good. My hair is like my personality, very diverse and free-spirited. I style my hair based on my mood for the day. One day you might see a "straight-hair" day, and the next day, I could have "rockstar hair." It's all a part of me!
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